How to complete or cancel order from the web application?

Orders, whether inbound or outbound, can be canceled or completed using the browser application.

Follow the step-by-step process to manage these orders efficiently.

Complete an order from the browser application.

Step 1 : Navigate to “Orders” > Click on the order you want to complete.

Step 2 : Navigate to Transactions and click on the product.

Step 3: In the process transaction pop-up window, select the Source Bin from the dropdown menu > Click "Process”

Step 4 : Once your order is “processed” > Click on “Complete Order” > Select “Yes”

Step 5: Your order will be successfully completed, and the status of your order will update to "Complete.”

Cancel an order from the browser application.

Step 1 : Navigate to “Orders” > Click on the order you want to complete.

Step 2 : Once the order window opens, navigate to “Cancel Order” > Click on “Yes”

Step 3 : Your order will be successfully cancelled, and the status of your order will update to "Cancelled.”

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