Scanning Barcode and additional actions while mapping barcode
At times, during barcode scanning on the Ventory mobile application, situations arise where additional actions are needed while mapping a barcode, particularly when mapping it to the Product Number.
Follow the step-by-step process below to address additional property mapping:
Step 1: Follow the step-by-step procedure as recommended in our Scanning Barcode on Mobile application guide : Scanning Barcode on Mobile Application
Step 2 : After clicking on the barcode, a pop-up window will appear on the screen with the barcode properties > select “Product Number” > a new pop-up window shows up displaying the additional actions: Link to existing product, Setup configuration, Link to new product. Select the actions as per the requirement.
Step 2A : Select “Link to existing product product” > select the Product from the drop down > click on “Confirm”
A confirmation pop-up window will appear on the screen once all the barcodes are successfully mapped to their properties.
Step 2B : Select “Setup configuration” > highlight your product number in the barcode number > click on “Continue” > check the prefix (if any), product number and the suffix (if any) > click on “Confirm”
A confirmation pop-up window will appear on the screen once all the barcodes are successfully mapped to their properties.
Step 2C : Select “Link to new product” > Enter the “Product Name” > click on “Confirm”
A confirmation pop-up window will appear on the screen once all the barcodes are successfully mapped to their properties.