Uploading “Files & Assets” in Reference Data and updating product Image

Maximize your efficiency and gain a comprehensive view of your inventory with Ventory's “Files & Assets”. This space acts like a digital library, allowing you to upload any document, image, or video related to your products.

You can also choose any image from this space to serve as the display image for your product.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to upload “Files & Assets” :

Step 1: Navigate to "Reference Data" and select the product you want to upload documents for.

Step 2 : Go to “Files & Assets” > Click to browse and upload any document, image, or video from your system, or simply drag and drop the file here.

Step 3: Once uploaded, your asset will appear in the table below.

Step 4: To find a specific file, use the “search” option in the table.

Step 5 : Filter your product assets by going to “Filter,” updating the specific criteria as needed, and click on “Done.”

This is how you successfully upload product’s asset on the platform.

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